(919) 771-7800 chienergyheals@gmail.com

Visual Chi Energy Floaties

 Visual Chi Energy Floaties – Seeing is Believing Henri Bergson, the French Philosopher who won the 1928 Nobel Prize in Literature, is attributed as to have said: “The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.” Many students of the The School of Chi...

ESP and Chi Energy Cultivation

ESP and Chi Energy CultivationThe online version of the Encyclopedia Britannica defines extrasensory perception (ESP) as follows: Perception that involves awareness of information about something (such as a person or event) not gained through the senses and not...

Levitation and Acoustics

Levitation and Acoustics Deliberately downplayed to the point of avoidance during the beginning years of chi training, sounds play a rather critical role in the upper echelon of advanced techniques and energy cultivation. Recently, scientists have made marked strides...