by admin | Feb 15, 2012 | Bioenergy and Chi Energy Science, Health and Healing with Chi Energy
A Buddhist monk has his vital signs measured as he prepares to enter an advanced state of meditation in Normandy, France. During meditation, the monk’s body produces enough heat to dry cold, wet sheets put over his shoulders in a frigid room. HARVARD GAZETTE...
by admin | Feb 15, 2012 | Health and Healing with Chi Energy, Qi Cultivation
Joy in Recalibrating Chi Energy Fluctuations by Don E. Brown II, MSIS Certified Instructor; for the School of Chi Energy A catch phrase often used by the Instructors of the Chi Energy method is the need to “recalibrate”. Often used in relation to volume of speech and...
by admin | Feb 15, 2012 | Bioenergy and Chi Energy
Chi Energy and the Binge Zone by Don E. Brown II, MSIS Certified Instructor; The School of Chi Energy I recently ran across an article in USA Today that brought a “moment of clarity” to me that I would like to share with the students in the School of Chi Energy. When...
by admin | Feb 15, 2012 | Bioenergy and Chi Energy Science
Is Chi Energy Like Bioenergy Although surrounded by ancient mysticism, chi energy is that which Western scientists have called the Quantum Field. The theories are markedly similar when compared side-by-side. Each [Chinese Mysticism and Quantum Mechanics[1]] speaks of...
by admin | Feb 15, 2012 | Health and Healing with Chi Energy
Chi Energy in FormI am sure that everyone had such experience when someone tells you something or you read something and you realize that chunks of information you knew before and some of your own experiences suddenly stick together, like a pieces of a puzzle, and...