by chiadmin | Oct 30, 2018 | Bioenergy and Chi Energy Science
Biophotons To Detect or Heal at the Next Measurable Level Biophotons at the Next Measurable Levels are phenomena which are emitted from all organic matter, plants and animal alike… The findings recorded in “Human Bio-Photons Emission: an observational Case Study...
by admin | Jul 22, 2016 | Bioenergy and Chi Energy, Bioenergy and Chi Energy Science
Shedding Light on Mind and Matter Biophotonic Energy Healing and Chi Abilities is a “Mind over matter” proverb that speaks to us on multiple levels. On the surface, it points to diligence and grit to will our physical body to continue performing a usually difficult...
by admin | Feb 15, 2012 | Bioenergy and Chi Energy Science, Qi Cultivation
Bio-electricity, Ki & Qi in the Human Body Bio-electricity, Ki & Qi in the Human Body by Don E. Brown II, MSIS Certified Instructor; The School of Chi Energy Bio-electricity, Ki and Qi in the Human Body is the electric energy associated with living organisms....
by admin | Feb 15, 2012 | Bioenergy and Chi Energy Science
Chi Energy and Invisibility is a concept that predates written language; even early hunters and gatherers knew the advantages of being “unseen” when tracking prey. Camouflage techniques have improved throughout the centuries, and most recently, so have scientific...
by admin | Feb 15, 2012 | Bioenergy and Chi Energy Science
Visual Chi Energy Floaties – Seeing is Believing Henri Bergson, the French Philosopher who won the 1928 Nobel Prize in Literature, is attributed as to have said: “The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.” Many students of the The School of Chi...