(919) 771-7800 chienergyheals@gmail.com

Chi Energy and the Science of Biophotons

It has been scientifically proven that every cell in the body emits more than 100,000 light impulses or photons per second. These light emissions which are not only emitted by humans but by all living things, are called biophotons and have been found to be the steering mechanism behind all biochemical reactions.


Scientific research with Chi Energy and the Science of Biophotons

Biophotons have been observed and measured using specialized equipment since the 1970s, starting with the pioneering studies of biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp. Since that time over 30 peer-reviewed academic research papers on biophotons have been published in publicly indexed scientific journals.

Every biochemical reaction is preceded by an electromagnetic signal

In the classic models of chemistry and physics, light is emitted when an electron is “excited” to a higher energy state and then falls back down to a lower energy state, which occurs any time a chemical reaction takes place. Traditionally, biology and medicine have focused on the biochemical reactions between proteins, DNA, and other molecules within cells. However, a biophoton is always emitted before every biochemical reaction. Without the biophoton signal, there can be no chemical reaction; they are like a steering system for all the biochemistry that takes place in the body.  This is how biophotons communicate and delivers information between cells.  The body uses biophotons as information packages to send signals from one point to another in much the same way that fiber-optic cables transmit signals using light.”  ref  www.biontology.com  Article: What are biophotons

Biophotons and Temperature:

The biophoton phenomenon is not confined to “thermal” radiation in the infrared range. It is well known that biophotons are emitted also in the range from visible up to the UV ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. The intensity of biophotons can be registered from a few photons per second in a square centimeter surface area to several hundred photons per second in a square centimeter from every living system.

“The high degree of coherence of biophotons elucidates the universal phenomenon of biological systems — coherence of biophotons is responsible for the information transfer within and between cells. This answers the crucial question of intra and extracellular biocommunication, including the regulation of metabolic activities of cells, growth, differentiation and evolutionary development.”

— F.A. Popp, 1999

A temperature increase of 10° doubles the photon density of a thermal field under physiological conditions resulting in a doubling of the reaction rate.”

— F.A. Popp, 1999

Biophotons also have a characteristic frequency that defines their resonance patterns and energy distribution. The study of these frequencies and resonance patterns is vital in the understanding the omni farious electromagnetic spectrum and how its energies can be harnessed and effectively utilized therapeutically, in biological systems.